Generic Questions

  • What is CPHI Online?

    CPHI Online is the largest global community of trusted Pharma companies and professionals across the entire supply chain, providing you with in-depth information and insights that empower you to find new partners and grow your business.

  • Do I need to register to view this site?

    No, viewing the site and learning about new events is available to everyone.

  • How long do I have access to my Company Profile?

    Access to a Company Profile is unlimited. If the Company Profile expires, it will downgrade to a Basic Profile which has fewer benefits but the access is still unlimited.

  • I have a Basic Profile - What does this mean?

    Basic profile is a free listing* on CPHI Online with limited features. You can list up to 3 products, 1 category,  400 character company description, 1 content piece, and news.

  • What if I do not remember my login or password?

    If you do not remember your password, please click on the Login button on the top right of the screen and then click on the Forgot Password option. If you do not remember your email address, please contact a support representative at [email protected]. They will be happy to assist you.

  • How can I get a Silver, Gold or Platinum membership?

    To get one of the memberships mentioned, please visit our Memberships' page and choose which one best suits your business. If you have a relevant account manager, you can also reach out to them for assistance.

  • How long is the Silver, Gold or Platinum membership valid for?

    Each membership is valid for at least 12 months.

  • I have a question about my Company Profile, whom do I contact?

    Contact a support representative at [email protected]. They will be happy to assist you.

  • Can I cancel my membership?

    Yes, you can request to cancel your Membership at any time. However, as it is a 12-month Membership your membership status and payments will continue until the end of the contract term. Example: You took out a Gold Membership on 1 May of 2021. The contract term then runs until 1 May 2022 and will renew on this date if no stop request is received.

  • How do I update my Company Profile?

    Once you are logged in, click on "My Account" in the top right corner of the page and then on "Company Profiles" to access the editing panel. After you have made your changes, don't forget to save and publish.

  • How do I purchase additional ad space on CPHI Online?

    Please, contact a support representative at [email protected]. They will be happy to assist you.

  • Can I upload all my company's products at once?

    Yes, contact [email protected] with 'Bulk Upload' as the title of your message. A representative will provide you with our Bulk Upload template.

  • How can I update the company name and country information?

    The company name and country that appears in your Company Profile is the name under which the contract was signed. To change either, please contact [email protected]

  • How to add team members with admin rights?

    Any existing ADMIN can give another team member Admin rights. If you do not have Admin rights and need it, please ask another Admin team member on your team for assistance. You can find them by seeing the Admin option on YES, but grayed out. This indicates you do not have Admin rights but they do.

  • What is the best size/format for images?

    The best size/ format for images to be upload on your Company Profile is 300 x 300 JPG, JPEG and PNG.

  • How can I see the leads and statistics?

    After logging in, click on the user icon in the top corner of the page and then click on Leads & Statisitcs.