Hybrid Fusion Medicals - HFM AG

About Hybrid Fusion Medicals - HFM AG

HFM is a Californian-Swiss Biotech company developing new drugs in virology, immunology and oncology with a focus on COVID-19 since December 2019. Acute and even more Chronic Covid continue to remain major challenges. There are a few drugs on the market which are however not being used widely due to lack of efficacy and difficult challenges in prescriptions. Also vaccines are not the solution for various reasons. We have developed two drugs against acute and chronic Covid- 19.

  • CH
  • 2022
    On CPHI since
  • 1 - 24
Company types
Biopharmaceutical company
Pharmaceutical company
Primary activities
Pharmaceutical Company (innovator finished products)
Contact info

Hybrid Fusion Medicals - HFM AG Resources (1)

  • Brochure Elevator Pitch

    HFM is a Californian-Swiss Biotech company developing new drugs in virology, immunology and oncology with a focus on COVID-19 since December 2019.

    Acute  and even more Chronic  Covid continue to remain major challenges. There are a few drugs on the market which are however not being used  widely due to lack of efficacy and difficult challenges in prescriptions. Also vaccines are not the solution for various reasons.

    We have developed two drugs against acute and chronic Covid- 19, preventive as well as for treatment, ready for market entry in Q4 -2022.