Enzymaster (Ningbo) Bio-Engineering

About Enzymaster (Ningbo) Bio-Engineering

Enzymaster is a leading company for innovative biocatalysis technologies which can be applied in different industries. Our proprietary BioEngine® platform has further enhanced the current state-of-the-art enzyme directed evolution technologies, with this platform we are able to provide tailor-made enzymatic solutions for fine chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries. We offer custom biocatalytic manufacturing of chiral building blocks and API intermediates at any scale, as well as R&D services for enzyme screening, enzyme optimisation, development of the biocatalytic reaction proc...

  • CN
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
Company types
Contact info
  • Co., Ltd, 5th Floor, 2nd Block, Huadongcheng Building, 333 North Century Avenue, 315100, Ningbo, China
Meet us at

CPHI Barcelona 2023

Fira Barcelona Gran Via, Spain
24-26 October 2023

Products from Enzymaster (Ningbo) Bio-Engineering (5)

Enzymaster (Ningbo) Bio-Engineering Resources (1)

  • Brochure Product Flyer Non-Pharma - Enzymaster

    Based on Enzymaster’s expertise in biocatalysis, we are continuously looking for opportunities to develop environmental friendly and cost efficient synthesis routes for a variety of products. We offer high quality products for competitive prices to a variety of industries.

    This flyer is dedicated to our non-pharma products.