Certified ecotoxicological studies

Certified ecotoxicological studies
Product Description

Ecotoxicological studies conducted by Lukasiewicz - IPO:
-chemical analyses in the range of environmental studies:analysis of concentrations/residues of chemical substances in water, soil, plant and animal material, food, fate and behaviour of chemical substances in the environment
 -evaluation of harmful effects of plant protection products, chemical substances and preparations on water organisms necessary to register them and to analyze danger and assess environmental risks, -apitoxicological studies,
-evaluation of the impact of chemical substances on soil organisms which is necessary to receive the permission to use and sell them
1. Effects on bird
2. Effects on aquatic organism
3. Effects on bees and arthropods other than bees
4. Effects on earthworms and other soil non-target macro-organisms
5. Effects on soil microorganisms
6. Effects on non-target plants
7. Fate and behaviour in the environment


  • PL
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 2
Company types
Contract Service


  • PL
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 2
Company types
Contract Service

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IPO resources (1)